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Online Antenatal Yoga Course – Starting July 22nd 2020.


Dates: Weekly from 22nd July - 19th August 2020 via Zoom

Time: 6.00-6.45pm via Zoom

Cost: £35

After the success of the 6-week online antenatal class in June and July, I'm offering another course that can be a continuation of the last 6 weeks, or stand-alone if you're just joining! If you're new to the course, you can join at any stage of pregnancy as the material is relevant to all of it!


  • 4 stages of labour - what to expect and what you can do

  • Yoga philosophy - dealing with fear, learning that everything passes

Each weekly 45-minute class will focus on a specific theme and includes:

1. Weekly check-in: how are you, any news/queries

2. Discussion of the weekly topic

3. Breathing techniques + exercises

4. Gentle stretching sitting and standing

5. Pelvic floor exercises

6. Relaxation

The most important consideration for me putting this online course together is safety, so the main difference between this and in-person classes is that there will be less yoga posture/āsana work online, and more emphasis on the weekly topic (see below), breathwork, affirmations & the power of the mind. There will be some gentle stretching while sitting and standing to create more space for the breath.

You will need a 65-75cm fitness ball and access to Zoom. Each week you will receive

handouts by email to complement class content.

All that you learn on this course may be beneficial during labour and birth - it is also

a time for relaxing and taking time-out for mum & baby.

If you have any questions or would like to book your place, please email me on Register with payment by 15 July.

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